AFARD currently works with 30,900 smallholder farmers households organized in 1,115 farmer groups to improve on their food and income security through inclusive market participation. However, these farmers rely on
market information from middlemen because the available market information provide irrelevant national market data like Kampala that these farmers hardly reach. As a result, smallholder farmers rely on middlemen who typically plunged prices ever season to suit their margins leading to farm households continued earning dismal income unable to lift them out of extreme poverty and thrive.
FAMIS goal is “1,250 smallholder farmers in West Nile, Uganda have access to real time market information to facilitate their farming as a business initiative.” It seeks to transition the smallholder farmers into digital collective marketing using Smartphones where they will use Marketing Application to access real time market information of the local markets in West Nile together with the buyer information so that they directly trade with buyers of their choice after comparing and choosing their preferred price. In by-passing middlemen farmers and better buyers will undertake business-to-business trading relationship hence earning farmers premium price and income from their agribusiness.
Project Budget: € 51,925
Donor: Austrian Development Cooperation, Bruder und Schwester in Not Innsbruck (BSI) and Caritas Kärnten and HORIZONT3000