Under the Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) program with support from European Union, Caritas Switzerland, AFARD, GWED-G and Advance Afrika is implementing the 40 months Action for Livelihood
Enhancement in Northern Uganda (ALENU) project in the six districts of Amuru (Amuru and Lamogi sub-counties), Omoro ( and Agago in Acholi Sub-region, Nebbi, Zombo and Pakwach in West Nile sub-regions with a focus on improving livelihoods through increased and diversified food production, enhanced market opportunities and better maternal and child nutrition. The overall project objective is to consolidate stability in Northern Uganda, eradicate poverty and under-nutrition and strengthen the foundations for sustainable inclusive socio-economic development. Its specific objective is to increase food security, improve maternal and child nutrition and enhance household incomes through support to diversified food production and commercial agriculture and through improving household resilience and empower women.
The project has formed and registered 200 farmer groups with 5,000 members (60% female), trained 736 peer trainers (paravets, agroecology champions and VSLA mentors), provided start-up inputs for home kitchen gardens and market productions (of groundnuts, apiary, local poultry, onions, tomatoes, Irish potatoes, beans, and soybeans). It installed 12 cold chains for poultry vaccines at sub county levels. In addition, it has trained in integrated VSLA methodology and provided 200 VSLA kits and mainstreamed training in collective marketing, market standards, nutrition, family planning and sanitation and hygiene practices.
Project Budget: € 1,411,506
Donor: European Union, Government of Uganda, Caritas Switzerland.