YADE seeks to primarily address the high rate of youth unemployment in Wadelai sub-county, Pakwach district through skilling active youths for increased access to gainful agricultural employment opportunities youth in
market scanned niche markets such as animal traction, cage fish farming, horticulture, and agro forestry. The overall objective of the project is, “to contribute to sustainable poverty reduction among youth through agri-enterprise development.” The specific objective is to increase access to gainful agricultural employment opportunities for 500 youth in Pakwach district through marketable non-formal vocational and complementary skills training.
Kicked off on 1st April 2021, the project has registered 24 Youth Investment Groups (YIGs), trained and equipped 60 youth in animal traction technology, and provided 330 youth in 11 horticulture groups with start-up agro-inputs. All the YIGs were also trained in VSLA methodlogy and provided with VSLA kits.
Project budget: UGX: 1,179,871,800
Project donor: Medicor Foundation and Dka Austria, HORIZONT3000, Bruder und Schwester in Not Innsbruck (BSI) and Caritas Kärnten